Social welfare is a process in which assistance is provided to the needy persons and families. The availability of the amount and type of the welfare activities are varied for various countries and states. UK government has created various social policies for the welfare of individuals. It is different from the standard of living but concerned more on the quality of life, quality of environment, type and level of crime and religious characteristics of life (Social Welfare. 2015). It provides medical, educational, financial, cultural, etc. support to the needy families. Both private and public organisations provide assistance to the disadvantaged groups. The present essay consist of relation of social welfare with social integrations and social rights. In this context, researcher will use various information for the critical discussion on the relation of social rights and social integration with social welfare .
According to Sen, 2014,”Social welfare includes social services which are provided to the needy people for their welfare and standard living” (Sen, 2014). Social welfare is conducted in the respect of the individuals and families with the help of various programs like health care, food stamps, child care, housing assistance, etc. It is organized for those underprivileged people who are suffering from poverty, illiteracy, unemployment, etc. As per the Reichert, 2013, “Social integration is a structured dynamic process which works for maintaining and achieving peaceful relations in society” (Reichert, 2013). It needs proficiency in common language, acceptance of common laws and common values of the society. Similarly Rhodes,2014, said that “Social Integration focuses on the requirement to move towards a safe, secure, stable and healthy society” (Rhodes,2014). This can be achieved by expanding the terms and conditions of social interaction for achieving peaceful and social relations which must have collaboration and cohesion (Saggar and, 2011).
On the other hand, as per the words of Kamerman, and Kahn, 2014, “Students of working class families are less socially integrated as compare to the middle class students in colleges” (Kamerman, and Kahn, 2014). It can be argued that this lack of integration leads to decreased emotional as well as social development. Hence the need here is to integare the students in a proper manner so that they can be in par with middle class students. People are different from each other and these differences create opportunities and challenges as well which effect society. Due to the less integrated into the social groups, people lack social support at the time of any personal crisis. Lamb and Sagi, 2014, found that “Integrating institutions are working for binding individuals in order to make wider social relationship with the sense of belongingness. These institutions are working for keeping social life and humanity alive in order to make peaceful society.” (Lamb and Sagi, 2014). It can thus be said that these institutions should be constructed in ample number for overall development of the individual.
In a research, Durkheim (1897), demonstrates that “Suicide rates can be decreased by creating strong social bonds with the family members and other relatives” (Dukheim). This is as people form relations for attracting their associates and co-workers which in the end results to defensive tactics that blocks social integration. A conclusion can be drawn from this study that social integration plays an important role in everyone's life. Hence the need on part of individual is to create manage their relations which can help them at the time of need.
In contrast of above, Ife, 2012 found that” People are becoming transparent in their work, personal life, faith, interactions due to increment in the use of social networking applications” (Ife, 2012). It can argued that on one hand this tranpsernacy is essential so as to intergt the peolein a borader platform. But this tranpseernancy has got some negative impacts as well. These are related to decrease in the overall person lidfe and a rapid movenmebnto towases virtuls world. But it is also a true fact that, Social networking sites provide people an opportunity to communicate and interact with each other. They can keep in touch no matter how far they are, they can share their daily life things. Hence these sites have there own ert of positives and negatives. In the opposition to this, Hansen and Hager, 2013 said that “Social networking sites are taking people away from their real world by creating a virtual world for them” (Hansen and Hager, 2013). This virtual world is losing bonds among the family members and enhancing the level of relationship with friends. This virtual community does not help at the time of need and personal crisis and at that time, individual feel himself alone as well as helpless (What is the human right to housing. 2015). From the research of Harvey, 2014, it has been identified that “social rights are related to socio-economic human rights which provide rights to human being for housing, education, health, culture, standard of life and quality of environment”(Harvey, 2014). It is the prime responsibility of Government to respect, protect and fulfil these rights for the welfare of society. Similarly, as per the view point of Welfare, 2015, “Social rights assure that every individual can afford those conditions under which they can fulfil their needs and requirements” (Welfare, 2015). Social rights are applied in the field of education, food, health, housing, social security and work.
As per the Dean, 2013, “Social welfare is not possible without social integration and social rights”(Dean, 2013). Social integration and social rights play an important role in social welfare of the individuals and families. Social welfare of people should be managed as per the social rights given by the government. Social welfare policies and programmes provide the benefits of cash transfer, social relief, development of services as well as ensuring that people have proper social and economic protection. In support of the above Gorodzeisky, 2013, found that “Social welfare is a part of human resource development which is useless without the availability of social integration and social rights”(Gorodzeisky, 2013). By increasing the social belongingness with people, individuals can improve their conditions. With this, they get support to fight with situation that they are facing. On the other hand Young, 2012, “Social welfare programmes do not benefit human capital development which somewhere affect the economic situation of country”(Young, 2012). I think that human development and welfare are the prime responsibilities of a country and its commitment to human and social rights. For social development, country should have to focus on the economic factor. With the development of people, country also develops and it automatically brings improvement in country. According to the Bjørnskov and Mchangama,2013, “Social services should be in such a manner that help in enhancing social integration”(Bjørnskov and Mchangama,2013). This leads to remove social disintegration and other social problems which effect the country's environment. Social disintegration creates difficulties in managing life situations and transitions which affect individuals negatively. Social welfare in the respect to social integration helps in human development along with social stability. Brandt and Deindl, 2013, said that “For improving economic and social well-being, strategy of social welfare should consist of labour-absorbing growth, investment in education, health care as well as social support to needy and poor people”(Brandt and Deindl, 2013). By involving all these elements while making strategy for welfare, country can able to improve poverty and illiteracy rate. On the other hand, Benington and Geddes, 2013, identified that “unavailability of welfare services in underprivileged societies increase social disintegration”(Benington and Geddes, 2013). It is important to provide welfare services at the place where there is need of it. If, they are located at other place then needy people will not able to access them. There are various disparities such as racial, gender, geographic etc which lead to improper delivery of services. This creates misunderstandings, conflicts, disputes, riots, etc in society. As per the view of Osypuk,and, 2014, “By increasing social interaction and bonding, people can get sustainable improvements in their life”(Osypuk,and, 2014). From the above studies, I have found that social integration and social welfare is inter related to each other. For providing effective social services there should be social integration also. Without social integration people can not take full use of all the social programmes or services provided to them for their welfare. There are some loopholes in the services provided to the underprivileged people due to which they do not take full advantage of it. By organising various programmes and activities, government can increase bondings and belongingness between the people so which helps them in better life (Amanda, 2015).
According to the Schneider,2012, “Social work is about the development and improvement of individuals to promote social justice among them”(Schneider,2012). Social rights are involved in the social welfare of people which provides them various opportunities. There are various rights provided to the individuals for their total development. From the study Eigmüller, 2013, got that “Right to Education is for the full development of human personality which works as their welfare”(Eigmüller, 2013). People should be aware about their social rights so that they can develop themselves. By conducting educating programmes, government can decrease the illiteracy rate of country. This information and knowledge helps people in improving their life and fulfilling their requirements. Similar Rhodes,2014, researched that “Right to Education helps in removing unemployment from the country”(Rhodes,2014). Unemployment can be removed by explaining the use and benefits of education to people. According to a study Ife, 2012, said that “Social welfare programmes and services organised by government should be based on respect for human rights and fundamental freedom”(Ife, 2012). There should be equality so that everyone can get equal opportunities for their improvement and development.
On the other hand Dean, 2013, identified that “Right of Housing is most important for improving and rising the living standard of people” (Dean, 2013). As per this right. People have freedom to access a safe, secure, habitable and inexpensive house for living peaceful and dignity secure life. Similarly Harvey, 2014, has declared that “Cost of the houses should be affordable which does not affect the other needs of individuals and their families” (Harvey, 2014). Housing cost should be nominal which does not lead people to choose between paying rent and buying food. Houses must have all facilities which prevent underprivileged people from cold, damp, rain, structural hazards and any kind of diseases (What is the human right to housing. 2015). Lamb and Sagi, 2014,demonstrate that “Right to work provides opportunity to have dignified work under safety conditions”(Lamb and Sagi, 2014). This right provides freedom from unemployment which improves the living standard and also help individuals in rising their confidence and motivation. According to me, these rights are for the development and improvement of the people. Some of the people are unaware about their rights, for this government needs to start some programmes and let them aware about their rights (Benington and Geddes, 2013). Proper and effective use of rights and freedom can help individuals in developing themselves and making strong bonding with each other. Along with these rights, there are other also such as Right to Food, Right to Health and Right to Social Security (Economic and Social Rights. 2015). As per the research, I have got that these right are for the welfare and development of the people. Government should provide quality services to the people for improving their living and fulfilling their basic requirements. Poor people are not in conditoo to fulfil their basic needs and can not use their freedom of food, housing, education, etc. For influencing people, government can organise various activities, can use advertisements, newspapers, etc. This helps in informing them about the various policies and their rights which helps them in rising their status and living a dignified life.
On the other hand Dean, 2013, identified that “Right of Housing is most important for improving and rising the living standard of people” (Dean, 2013). As per this right. People have freedom to access a safe, secure, habitable and inexpensive house for living peaceful and dignity secure life. Similarly Harvey, 2014, has declared that “Cost of the houses should be affordable which does not affect the other needs of individuals and their families” (Harvey, 2014). Housing cost should be nominal which does not lead people to choose between paying rent and buying food. Houses must have all facilities which prevent underprivileged people from cold, damp, rain, structural hazards and any kind of diseases (What is the human right to housing. 2015). Lamb and Sagi, 2014,demonstrate that “Right to work provides opportunity to have dignified work under safety conditions”(Lamb and Sagi, 2014). This right provides freedom from unemployment which improves the living standard and also help individuals in rising their confidence and motivation. According to me, these rights are for the development and improvement of the people. Some of the people are unaware about their rights, for this government needs to start some programmes and let them aware about their rights (Benington and Geddes, 2013). Proper and effective use of rights and freedom can help individuals in developing themselves and making strong bonding with each other. Along with these rights, there are other also such as Right to Food, Right to Health and Right to Social Security (Economic and Social Rights. 2015). As per the research, I have got that these right are for the welfare and development of the people. Government should provide quality services to the people for improving their living and fulfilling their basic requirements. Poor people are not in conditoo to fulfil their basic needs and can not use their freedom of food, housing, education, etc. For influencing people, government can organise various activities, can use advertisements, newspapers, etc. This helps in informing them about the various policies and their rights which helps them in rising their status and living a dignified life.
As per the essay, it is found that there is strong relation of social welfare with social integration and social rights. For proper improvement and development of underprivileged people their should be social integration among the them. Social rights are formed by the government for the welfare of poor and uneducated people. People should be aware about their rights and freedom for developing their lives. Government need to improve its social policies by paying more attention to the situation and condition of society. By improving the condition of society, country can improve its economic and social status. Policies need to be change time to time for better development and improvement. Education, health, safety, housing etc are the rights of individuals and government need to help those who are unable to fulfil their necessary needs and requirements by organising various welfare programs and policies.
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